Flowers From Lisa's

Our Terms & Conditions:

  • All prices are shown in Australian dollars.
  • A standard delivery fee is additional.
  • Prices include all local taxes where applicable.
  • The standard price is representative of the product pictured.
  • All Flowers From Lisa's designs illustrated are a guide to the style of flowers, gourmet foods and gifts that will be delivered. Flowers, gourmet foods, containers and accessories may vary according to regional and seasonal availability, or when they do not meet our quality standards. In some cases, substitutions of equivalent value and quality may be necessary to fulfil your requirements.

Our Guarantee:

Flowers From Lisa's guarantees the freshness, flower quality and value of every order. Each arrangement delivered is created by a professional Flowers From Lisa's florist. Delivery will be made on the date requested and every effort will be made to meet requests as to preferred times, but only funeral deliveries can be specific with regard to time. Complaints must be made within 48 hours of delivery to the Flowers From Lisa's florist who delivered the order. Special delivery conditions apply to hospitals, hotels, ships, airports, funeral parlours, crematoria and cemeteries. 

Should you have any further queries please call Flowers From Lisa's on (07) 4942 5606 during business hours or email us at

For products with Alcohol:

Alcohol delivery is subject to State liquor laws. You must be 18 years or older to order or receive alcoholic beverages. Other licensing or delivery restrictions may apply in some States. 


For Hampers for delivery within Australia:

In the event of any goods being unavailable, we will substitute other goods of equivalent or greater value.

  • Hamper prices shown are fixed to 30th September, 2007.
  • Christmas hampers are available at participating stores during the month of December only. All other hampers are available for delivery all year round.
  • Cancellations or alterations to orders must be made within 24 hours of ordering.
  • Customer reports of damaged goods must be made within three (3) working days from date of delivery, or a claim cannot be processed.

Refund Policy

Complaints must be made within 48 hours of delivery to the Flowers From Lisa's florist who delivered the order.